Fingers Crossed Please

When my Literary Agents went to London Book Fair with my manuscript

I’m in a bit of a state. I’m nervous and distracted but above all hopeful and excited. My Literary Agents, Annette Crossland and Bill Goodall @AforAuthors, will present my first novel, Life Needs The Caribbean, to potential publishers at this week’s @LondonBookFair #LBF17. It’s the best opportunity I have had so far to get the publishing contract I dream of.

The process of getting here has been a long but rewarding one. And this week is the culmination of two things: a dream to write a novel I would love to read, and lots of hard work. Along the way I have been ably and selflessly assisted by friends and colleagues who offered wonderful places to write, fantastic advice, proof reading and editing, assistance with my query, promotion, help with my approach to agents and generally encouraged and supported my desire to be published.

So, dear friends, I’m asking for one more favour. I’m a great believer in the power of positive thinking, so please, please, please think positive thoughts and send “Goodness, I would love to read that wonderfully funny, life-affirming, intelligent beach read set in the Caribbean by @TrudyNixon represented by @AforAuthors” vibes from around world to that enormous exhibition hall in Olympia, London. And if you have a chance to Tweet or Share and build a little more interest in me, I would truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance, and I will keep you posted.

UPDATE June 2020: My very professional Agents worked hard for me and manged to get my manuscript submitted to a number of great publishers.

I received some useful and encouraging feedback but no publishing deal was forthcoming. I was advised by friends in the industry that Women’s fiction – particularly romantic or romantic comedy is a very competitive one and that self publishing would be a better way for me to make my mark.

It is now the summer of 2020. My Agents an I have parted ways amicably and I am currently taking a course in Self Publishing by Mark Dawson, It’s excellent and I’m looking forward to following his advice and publishing not just my first novel but a series of novels over the upcoming months. I will keep you posted!

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