Hello from Anguilla and thank you for visiting my website and wanting to learn a little more about me.

I call the Caribbean home now but I grew up in Wiltshire and spent my early professional years in London in the United Kingdom.

Photo of me looking smoother than normal 🙂 by my talented friend Kevin Archibald, KSharp Media.

I am a ‘glass full’ kind of person and am grateful for the privileges I have received in my life. I try to make the most of this beautiful world we live in and am passionate about travel and it’s ability to enrich and inspire us. I will choose to enjoy a new experience – rather that own a designer handbag or drive a fancy car – every time. 

I was blessed with loving, intelligent and honorable parents, Marlene and Malcolm, who had many friends and loved to read and travel. My brother and I grew up on farm, we had lots of pets and there were plenty of places to explore and make dens. I had a wonderful childhood. They encouraged us to bring our friends home to play and treated us to an annual foreign holiday – usually in Spain.

As a child I loved to read and draw and looked forward to passing round the food and drink when my parents had people over. I decided early on that I wanted to do something creative that involved going to parties and talking to people. After I graduated from Lancaster University I moved to London where, I worked and played hard for many years. I had interesting jobs in the Arts and Design industries and eventually got paid to go to parties. 

I miss my friends and family in the UK, but can honestly say I changed my life for the better when I moved to a tiny paradise, called Anguilla, in the British West Indies, having fallen deeply in love with it on sight,  in 2002. 

Many sunny years later I still want to do the things that captivated me when I first met the Caribbean: go to the beach, float around in the sea for hours, dance Soca, eat crayfish and drink rum punch.

When not writing novels I make my living by writing and publishing TRUE Anguilla – a beautiful visitor magazine and website and producing TRUE Anguilla TV.  

To date I have published three books in my live, love, travel romance series: Endless Turquoise, Deepest Aqua and True Blue. Find out more about them on the Books page, or if you would like to purchase one you can do so here.  

I’d love to hear from you and if you haven’t yet done so you can join my mailing list and get updates on publication dates and special offers. I have plenty more stories to tell and hope to release a follow up to Endless Turquoise in early 2021.

If you would like to know more about how I made the journey from the UK to Anguilla you can listen to this podcast where I chat all about that, as well as my love of music, to my friend Crispin Brooks of Planet Thirty.

You can also contact me via this website or on social media. I am active on Facebook and Instagram.   

Finally – if you are interested in visiting the beautiful island I live on please check out some of the accommodation on offer in TRUE Anguilla Magazine.

I also run a small but perfectly formed (in my opinion) Air BnB called Hummingbird – a great spot for writers who would like to visit without breaking the bank.


Cheers! The image above, showing me on my local beach, Mead’s Bay Beach, Anguilla was taken by another friend Gabi Gumbs, and yes, the sea really is that blue.